Enjoying a great Thanksgiving weekend with friends and family on Vancouver Island

October 7 2012 14:56
Enjoying a nice afternoon walk with family on Thanksgiving

Enjoying a great Thanksgiving weekend with friends and family on Vancouver Island. Look for the complete photo album next week.

Image caption: 1) Enjoying a nice afternoon walk with family on Thanksgiving; 2) Jade giving some love on Qualicum Beach; 3) Sara trying to steal Scree, our friends Heather and Wes' kitten.


Beautiful picture! Hi to everyone from me!

Nice picture of THE familie, have fun. And also beautiful dogs

Looks like you guys had a great time. Sorry we missed you for the holiday but sure to see you at Christmas!!

Such an awesome photo.

So nice! Now we just need to get you out from behind the camera Oli

Great family photo folks, looks like you were enjoying the day!

Your lovely wife is so beautiful. I must write to her! Will you tell her I said hi and am thinking of her?

For sure I will Julie! Say hello to Alex and the kids for us ;)

Trop belle!! Quand revenez-vous dans nos contrées pluvieuses? BiZ

Pas sure Nathalie... probablement en été 2013... lorsque ma réserve de sauce andalouse sera épuisée ;)

En tout cas, je confirme que ce serait une bonne occaz de faire une bonne fies!! promis on vous offrira de la sauce andalouse!! dites le nous et on s'arrange une tite soirée ancien héto 2005!! si toutefois tout le monde est partant!! Biz à tous en passant!