Sara's PhD defense

14/01/2014 - 12:01
It's official, I'm now married to a doctor!

It's official, I'm now married to a doctor! ;-)

Sara just came out of her PhD defense, which she passed with awesomeness! I'm extremely proud of her!


She will blow them away!!!

Go Sara go! I will get to celebrate her success with her in a couple weeks ;-) xoxo

Wooooot!!! You're going to crush it, my friend. xoxo

Good luck to Sara!!

Et toi Ol, tu tiens la pression?

Ça va... ça va... tu peux dire à Fabian que j'écoute du Lawstreet 16 pour me calmer... ;-)

Good Luck Sara, but you don't really need luck. Congrats

So anxious to hear that she is done!

Good luck Sara! They won't know what hit them! xxx

It's official, I'm now married to a doctor! ;-)
Sara just came out of her PhD defense, which she passed with awesomeness! I'm extremely proud of her!

Yay my friend. So proud of you.

This is great news! Not that we expected any less, I mean she does exude awesomeness. ;-) Congrats Sara D!

Wow! Congratulations!!

Congrats to her !!!

Woot! woot!

Congratulations Sara!!! :-)

Bravo Sara!

Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! Shivers! Yay Sara!

Congratulations Sara!! That is awesome news!!

Eeeee!!!!! So happy for you Sara! If I could, I'd drink a toast for you right now!

Magnifique ! Félicitations ! On t'embrasse fort !


Gefeliciteerd! Superwoman ;-)

Dr. Sara !


Congrats Dr. Sara, wildlife expert extraordinaire

Joli-joli :-)

Congrats Dr. Dubois!

Expected nothing less. So proud of you!!!! Mom and Dad

She's smart, beautiful, kind and she's yours!!!! :-)

So proud of you!

Woah! GO SARA!

And not only am I SUPER proud of you....this is an amazing pic!!!

Congrats Sara!!

Congratulations doctor! <3

Thank you for all the kind words of encouragement - I am so fortunate to have you all in my corner cheering me on!

What an incredible day - I successfully defended my PhD thesis after four years of hard work and tremendous support from my colleagues, friends and family. I am grateful to have you all in my life! Especially my hubby ;-)

Dr. Sara awesome happy for you but you are still Sara to us congratulations :-)

Félicitations Mme PhD!!! toute la famille a pensé à toi à l'instant T hier... :-D. Nous sommes fiers de toi et de tout le chemin que tu as parcouru...waouuuuuuw! <3 ... Petite pensée au mari qui a soutenu le projet jusqu'au bout, bravo! :-)



Youhou! Félicitation Sara! Nous avons bien pensé à toi! Fêtez bien ça! Bisous de nous 3

Félicitations Sara. Nous avons pensé très fort à toi, bravo encore pour ton magnifique travail.

Je suis très heureuse pour toi Sara. Félicitations tu le mérites tellement. Gros bisous

Vous êtes des anges tous les 2. Vous méritez ce qui vous arrive.

Congrats Dr Sara! We are so very happy for you. Now what are you going to do with all that free time you have now?